About Us
The Toppenish Livestock Commission Company has been around under various names and various owners for over 75 years. Current owner John Top along with various partners has been controlling owner for the last 30 years. It has always been one of the largest marketing centers in the northwest due to its central location among cattlemen, dairymen, and cattle feeders.
The last few years livestock receipts have averaged over 180,000 hd per year including private direct treaty sales, video represented sales, and on farm dispersals. We at TLC have many different avenues to market all classes of livestock including in-house video and internet sales when scheduled.
Toppenish Livestock Commission Company also plays a large role in the Toppenish community with its support and sponsorship of various activities including the Toppenish Pow Wow rodeo, the Toppenish junior livestock show, and sale for 4H and FFA, and helping fundraise for Beef Counts/Second Harvest Food Bank. We also support and sponsor many similar activities in communities throughout our trade area. We look forward to being involved in the marketing industry for many years to come and continue to build solid relationships with the producers and feeders of the northwest.
Mondays at Noon
Weigh up cows/bulls, dairy and beef
Tuesdays when scheduled
Special calf and yearling sales
Thursdays at 10:30am
All classes of weigh up, stocker, feeder cattle
Friday - First of each month at 1pm
All classes of dairy replacement cattle
Saturdays at 11am
Cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, and goats