Sale Results Thursday Sept. 15

Sale Results Thursday Sept. 15

2,283 cattle sold

782 slaughter cows/bulls sold, market staying steady, better cows $87-98, few premiums to $101, better bulls $105-115, few premiums to $120

700 or so clvs and yrlngs, beginning to see discounts on clvs with no shots/info, otherwise better quality feeders still selling strong...

700 or so dairy/dairy x feeders, market pretty active with volume offerings...

b = bawling

w = weaned

y = yearling


Head Avg. Wgt. P/CWT
6503192.50 b
6503200.00 w
6543190.50 w
3565196.00 b
3572185.00 b
69596202.00 w
4655188.50 b
10667198.50 b
5702187.50 b
9708194.00 y
3737181.00 y
96510128.00 hol
97571126.50 hol
55630123.25 hol
18512155.50 x
12623157.00 x


Head Avg. Wgt. P/CWT
10504187.00 w
3508189.00 b
7511190.00 w
5522195.00 b
7628185.00 b
8699178.00 w
7546185.00 w
14732185.00 y
39856166.00 y
40859165.00 y
11962154.50 y
12510145.00 x
18638146.50 x
11675134.00 x
18706133.50 x